Legal Terms - Intertouring Receptivo

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1 – General Information

This Privacy Policy contains information about the collection, use, storage, processing, and protection of personal data of users and visitors of the website, with the aim of demonstrating absolute transparency on the subject and providing clarity to all interested parties about the types of data collected, the reasons for the collection, and how users can manage or delete their personal information.

This Privacy Policy applies to all users and visitors of the site and is integrated into the general Terms and Conditions of use of the website.

This document has been prepared in accordance with the General Law on the Protection of Personal Data (Law 13.709/18), the Civil Framework of the Internet (Law 12.965/14) (and EU Regulation No. 2016/6790), and Federal Law No. 13.709/2018 (General Law on the Protection of Personal Data – LGPD). Furthermore, the document may be updated due to possible regulatory updates, so users are encouraged to periodically consult this section.

We are committed to protecting your personal data, and therefore, we provide this privacy policy containing important information about:

– Who should use our site
– What data we collect and what we do with it
– Your rights concerning your personal data, and
– How to contact us

2 – How do we collect the personal data of users and visitors?

The personal data of users and visitors are collected by the platform through the following forms:

– Contact form (contact us)
– Contact form with company professionals
– Registration form for events in the Agenda
– Travel reservation request form (tourism site)
– Event reservation form (tourism site)
– Travel agency registration form (tourism site)
– Service request form for events (tourism site)
– Service request form for corporate accounts (tourism site)
– Gift list service request form (tourism site)
– Gift list form (tourism site)
– Other forms depending on the specificities of each site

3 – What personal data do we collect about users and visitors?

The personal data of users and visitors collected are as follows:

Generally, data such as name, address, city, state, email, phone, WhatsApp, company are requested.

For travel sites, age, CPF, passport, travel date may be requested.

3 – What purposes do we use the personal data of users and visitors for?

The personal data of users and visitors collected and stored by the platform are intended solely and specifically to respond to the request for which they were provided.

The processing of personal data for purposes not provided for in this Privacy Policy will only be carried out upon prior communication to the user, so that the rights and obligations contained herein remain applicable.

4 – How long are personal data stored?

The personal data of users and visitors are stored by the platform for the period necessary for the provision of the service or the fulfillment of the purposes set forth in this document, in accordance with item I of article 15 of Law 13.709/18.

Data can be deleted or anonymized at the user’s request, except in cases where the law provides for other treatment.

In addition, users’ personal data may only be retained after the end of their processing in the following cases provided for in article 16 of the aforementioned law:

– Compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation by the controller
– Study by research bodies, ensured, whenever possible, the anonymization of personal data
– Transfer to third parties, provided that the data processing requirements set out in this Law are respected
– Exclusive use of the controller, with access by third parties prohibited, and provided that the data is anonymized

5 – Security of stored personal data

The platform commits to applying appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access and from situations of destruction, loss, alteration, communication, or dissemination of such data.

Credit card data are not collected on our platform.

The platform is not exempt from liability for the sole fault of third parties, such as in the case of hacker or cracker attacks, or the sole fault of the user, as in the case where the user himself transfers his data to third parties. The site commits to notify the user in case of any security breach of their personal data.

Stored personal data are treated confidentially, within legal limits. However, we may disclose your personal information if we are required by law to do so or if you violate our Terms of Service.

6 – Data Sharing

We do not share your personal data with third parties. However, it is possible that we may do so to comply with a legal or regulatory determination, or to comply with an order issued by a public authority.

7 – Sensitive data

Sensitive data of our users, understood as those defined in articles 11 and following of the General Law on the Protection of Personal Data, will NOT be collected. Therefore, there will be NO collection of data on racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, membership in trade unions or organizations of a religious, philosophical, or political nature, data relating to health or sexual life, genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person.

8 – Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are automatically downloaded to your device when you access and browse a website. They serve primarily to identify devices, activities, and user preferences.

Cookies do not allow for the extraction of files or information from the user’s hard drive, and it is not possible to access personal information that has not been provided by the user or generated by the way the user uses the site’s resources.

a. Third-party cookies

Some of our partners may set cookies on the devices of users who access our site.

These cookies, generally, aim to allow our partners to offer their content and services in a personalized manner to the users who access our site, through the acquisition of browsing data extracted from their interaction with the site.

Users can obtain more information about third-party cookies and how the data obtained from them is processed, as well as access a description of the cookies used and their characteristics, by visiting the following links:


The entities responsible for collecting cookies may share the information obtained with third parties.

b. Cookie Management

Users can oppose the registration of cookies by the site, simply by deactivating this option in their own browser. For more information on how to do this in some of the main browsers used today, you can visit the following links:

– Internet Explorer:
– Safari:
– Google Chrome:
– Mozilla Firefox:
– Opera:

However, disabling cookies may affect the availability of some tools and functionalities of the site, compromising its correct and expected operation. Another possible consequence is the removal of user preferences that may have been saved, affecting their experience.

9 – Collection of data not expressly provided for

Eventually, other types of data not expressly provided for in this Privacy Policy may be collected, provided that they are supplied with the user’s consent, or that the collection is permitted by another legal basis provided for in the law.

In any case, the collection of data and the resulting processing activities will be informed to the users of the site.

10 – Consent

By using the services and providing personal information on the platform, the user consents to this Privacy Policy.

By registering, the user expresses his knowledge and can exercise his rights to cancel his registration, access, and update his personal data, and guarantees the veracity of the information provided by him.

The user has the right to withdraw his consent at any time, for which he must contact us via the contact email.

11 – Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time, so it is recommended that the user review it frequently.

Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their publication on the platform. When changes are made, users will be notified. By using the service or providing personal information after any modifications, the user demonstrates agreement with the new rules.

In the event of a merger or sale of the platform to another company, user data may be transferred to the new owners to ensure the continuity of the services offered.

12 – Jurisdiction for conflict resolution

For the resolution of disputes arising from this instrument, Brazilian law will be fully applied.

Any disputes must be presented in the court of the location where the company’s headquarters are located.